Driven by the reality that law school graduates typically have not acquired the skills to navigate life as a practicing lawyer, Tim has focused on training your lawyers for the practice of law.  He has addressed that topic with law students.  He has spoken at associate retreats.  And he has created and run a “New Associate Orientation Program” for law firms.   The orientation programs typically runs two days and covers five modules:

  • How to Lead and Be Successful as a Young Lawyer
  • Keys to Remaining Balanced and Happy
  • Executive Presence and Effective Communication
  • Things You Can Do To Develop Business
  • Civility and Professionalism — It’s Your Duty and Responsibility

Tim introduces each of these modules, but uses the resources of the law firm to line up other speakers and panelists (including fellow associates) to address these topics.  The feedback on the New Associate Orientation Program has been exceptional.  The participants consistently echoed that the program made them more ready for what was to come.  It made them feel valued by the law firm.  This program can augment other orientation activities at a law firm.